How to care For tomatoes

Now that you have your tomatoes planted how do you care for them. Cage, stake, trellis, or allow to grow freely. Most home gardeners will buy tomato cages. I like them for one or 2 plants but they can be expensive. The smaller 3…

Tomatoes -determinate vs INDETERMINATE

Detetminate or indeterminate. Many new gardeners have wondered the difference between the two. Which is better? That depends! Determinate tomatoes grow to a specific size and ripen all at the same time. Usually within a 2 week period. The plants grow to a uniform…

COMPANION planting

Companion planting. What is that? Its putting compatible plants together in a bed for each others benefit. Ever hear of the 3 sisters garden? This is a classic companion planting model. It is commonly known within the native American culture. The 3 sisters garden…